1st SIPV.ENSA.2023 / ENSA: November 21, 22 and 23, 2023
Honorary President
Prof. Tarik HARTANI
The National High School of Agronomy Director
The 1st International Plant Protection Symposium
Biotic stresses associated with pests, pathogens and weeds represent a major threat to agricultural production and food security.
In fact, these constraints are leading to considerable qualitative and quantitative yields losses. In recent years, these losses have been estimated at 40%, affecting both crop yields and losses during storage.
Added to this are abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity and unfavorable temperatures, which are the main causes of the deterioration in average crop yields of more than 50%.
The challenge of food security and sovereignty can therefore be met by a better crop protection.
For years, crop protection in intensive production has been based on the use of chemical pesticides, but in modern farming systems, for healthy and sustainable agriculture aimed restoring natural cycles, the development of pathogens and pests alternative control methods is promoted.
Such an objective requires accurate identification of the bio-aggressor as well as knowledge of its interaction with its host and its environment. Identification uses both standard morphological and biochemical methods, as well as molecular techniques.
Furthermore, effective pest and disease management cannot be achieved by adopting a single control method, as each approach has its own limitations. Adopting a strategy based on a combination of biological, chemical and agricultural methods, as well as host resistance (varietal resistance), would be more effective.
Moreover, in recent years, the climate change effects have been increasingly noticeable, making it necessary to constantly monitor the various pests and diseases distribution.
The symposium objectives
- 1
Presentation of the current crop health status in Algeria.
- 2
Exchange knowledge on the latest advances in the identification and control of bio aggressors.
- 3
Interaction of the Algerian scientific community (specialists, researchers and students) with foreign researchers.
- 4
Establishment of national and international collaborations.
- 5
Establishment of the Algerian Society for Plant Protection
The main axes of the symposium
- 1
Crop protection in Algeria: the main issues affecting strategic crops and their management.
- 2
Invasive and emerging pathogens and pests
- 3
Bio-control of bio-aggressors, and preservation of biodiversity
In this context, we invite you to share with us your latest results regarding one of the topics listed below
- Current knowledge of the crops health status in Algeria (diseases and pests).
- Identification and characterization of bio-aggressors (pathogens and pests).
- Bio-aggressors of agro-forestry systems
- The use of alternative methods in the diagnosis of bio-aggressors.
- Abiotic stresses.
- The plant bio-aggressor interaction.
- Control methods.
- Weeds and their management.
- The climate change impact on crop protection
Please prepare your abstract by strictly following the instruction to the author below:
Instructions for Authors
- The initial of the first name and the name of the communicating author must be underlined according to the following model: (H. BENKORTEBY-LYAZIDI1, L. HANIFI MEKLICHE2 and Z. BOUZNAD1).
- Indicate author affiliation by numbers.
- The number of words is 250 maximum.
- Centered title (Times New Roman 12 bold)
- Times New Roman 12, 1 line spacing.
- Maximum keywords 5.
- The summary must be structured in an introduction, a brief description of the material and methods, results and a very brief conclusion.
- The abstract must not contain any bibliographical reference
The Symposium languages: English, French & Arabic
Register and submit your abstracts
- Deadline for abstract submission October 20, 2023
- Notification of acceptance November 05, 2023
- The submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee